发布时间: 2022-10-07 浏览次数: 645


Logarithmic asymptotics: analysis and computation

报 告 人:

李常品 教授 (上海大学)

主 持 人:

王锦荣 教授


2022107(星期五) 20:00-21:00



报告摘要:This report includes a series of work with Drs. Enyu Fan, Zhiqiang Li, and Zhen Wang. The so-called logarithmic asymptotics means that the solution to the evolution equation has algebraic asymptotics in the sense of logarithmic function. It is often used to characterize the ultra slow process, such as creep in igneous rocks. In this talk, we mainly introduce the logarithmic asymptotics and regularity of the solution to the Caputo-Hadamard fractional evolution equation. Then we construct the numerical algorithms to compute its solution, where the numerical simulations and computer graphics are also displayed.

报告人简介: 上海大学数学系教授、博士生导师、伟长学者、FIMA (Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, UK)2021年获上海大学王宽诚育才奖,2017年和2010年获上海市自然科学奖,2016年入选上海市优秀博士学位论文指导教师,2012年获分数阶微积分领域的黎曼-刘维尔理论文章奖,2011年获宝钢优秀教师奖。主要研究方向为分数阶偏微分方程数值解、分岔混沌的应用理论和计算。在SIAMChapman and Hall/CRC出版专著各1部,在World Scientific编辑专著1部;发表SCI论文140余篇。主持国家自然科学基金、上海市教委科研创新重点基金等科研项目10余项,主持上海市教委本科重点课程建设等教改项目4项。是德国德古意特出版社系列丛书《Fractional Calculus in Applied Sciences and Engineering》的创始主编,是Appl. Numer. Math., Chaos, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., J. Nonlinear Sci., Math Computer Simulation等杂志副主编或编委。



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